Question Title

* 1. From 1 through 16, rank the top baseball storylines of the SABR Era, 1971-2011.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
The Steroid Era
Introduction of free agency, 1976
The Pete Rose saga (Hit King banned for life)
Designated hitter introduced, 1973
Boston Red Sox win 2004 World Series, first in 86 years
Wild-card realignment introduced, 1994
Universal TV/radio access (online, MLB Network, satellite radio)
Sabermetrics gains wide acceptance
Influx of international players
1994 labor dispute, cancellation of World Series
Building of new major league stadiums
Hank Aaron breaks Babe Ruth's career home run record, 1974
Barry Bonds breaks season/career home run records
Cal Ripken breaks Lou Gehrig's consecutive games record, 1995
The stories of women/minorities in baseball begin being told
Evolution of relief pitching/the rise of the closer