1. Student General Information

20% of survey complete.
Please note: This survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and must be completed at one sitting. You cannot go back in and edit your responses, so please make sure that you have an adequate amount of time to complete.

All questions should be answered in order for the results to be recorded. A "thank you for completing our survey" page to confirm your response was recorded.

The results of the survey will be used to evaluate and assess particular action points and inform paths and content for professional development initiatives created to fulfill the following vision: "Building successful futures - each student - -every day."

Please note: one-to-one (laptops and related technologies) is a term we are using in this survey to indicate one student assigned to and using one laptop.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your current grade level.

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* 2. Indicate the school you attend.

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* 3. Do you currently have Internet access at home?

Question Title

* 4. The type of internet connection you have at HOME is

Question Title

* 5. Where do you learn most of your computer skills?

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* 6. Does the use of computers in the classroom increase your engagement and interest in the subject material?

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* 7. How would you rate your ability to use computers?

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* 8. Have you ever been "bullied" or harassed while online?

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* 9. Have you ever done something that might be considered as bullying online?

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* 10. Please indicate how you feel about the following statements.

  Disagree Sometimes agree Strongly agree
My school has lots of computers available
Classes that use computers are interesting
Classes that use computers are challenging
My teachers feel comfortable using computers
Computers help me learn

Question Title

* 11. I use computers...

  Not at all Sometimes Often
At home
After school
At lunch time
In the library
In the computer lab
To do reports/assignments
To do presentations for school
To get information
To upload images, video or music
To talk with other people
To play games
To add images, video or music

Question Title

* 12. Has using a computer helped you to do better in the following:

  Not At All Some A lot
Social Studies