Thank you!

Thank you for taking a few minutes to take this short survey for Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF). We value your opinion and feedback.

After completing the survey, you will have a chance to enter in a drawing for a free 1-day pass to NOFA-VT's Winter Conference as a thank you!

Question Title

* 1. What are the top three factors that influence your choices when purchasing fresh produce, processed foods, meat and dairy products? (please choose your top 3)

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* 2. When purchasing food, where do you spend the majority of your food dollars?

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* 3. Which of the following is most important to you when purchasing food:

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* 4. If you purchase organic food, how do you know it’s organic?

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* 5. If you purchase local & organic foods, what are the top three factors in your decision?

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* 6. What types of local & organic products do you purchase? (please check all that apply)

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* 7. Where do you purchase local & organic food?

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* 8. Please name a few of your favorite local and organic brands and/or farms.

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This is the new Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF) logo.

This is the new Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF) logo.

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* 9. Have you seen the new VOF logo on products when shopping?

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* 10. What do you think the new VOF logo represents?

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* 11. In your own words, what’s the difference between local, and local & organic food?

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* 12. Tell us a little bit about you!

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* 13. What is your age range?

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* 14. What is your education?

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* 15. Do you have children?

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* 16. If you have children, what ages?

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* 17. Would you like to be entered to win a 1-day complimentary pass to NOFA-VT’s Winter Conference—one of the largest and most popular food conferences in the Northeast?

One survey participant will be chosen randomly to receive a free 1-day pass to the Winter Conference, which is scheduled for February 16-17, 2013.

Thank you!