We would like to find out what you think of the Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums blog, and would be grateful if you could complete this short, online survey. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. How often do you read the Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums’ blog?

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate the blog on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is ‘very poor’ and 5 is ‘excellent’?

  Very poor Excellent
Rating of the blog

Question Title

* 3. How did you find the blog?

Question Title

* 4. Have you ever visited any of the following Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums venues? (Please tick any which you have visited)

Question Title

* 5. Which are your favourite types of blog posts that you have read on the Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums blog?

Question Title

* 6. Which are your least favourite types of blog posts that you have read on the Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums blog?

Question Title

* 7. Has reading a blog entry on the Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums blog ever inspired you to visit one of our venues or exhibitions?

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any other comments you’d like to add, or suggestions for how we can improve the blog?

Thank you for your time.