3.1 Learning to program, how people naturally think about computation
3.2 Understanding algorithms
4.1 Design, designing with diagrams
4.2 Coordinating developers
4.3 Finding experts, maintaining awareness, onboarding
5.1 Finding code to reuse
5.2 Designing & documenting APIs
6.1 Exploring code
6.2 Reverse engineering
6.3 Reading code (program comprehension), mental models of programs, and effects of expertise
7.1 Languages and tools for novice and end-user programmers
7.2 Programming by example
7.3 Visual languages
7.4 Textual languages & editors
7.5.1 Copy & paste
7.5.2 Refactoring
7.5.3 Reviewing changes
7.6 Navigating working sets
8.1 Causes of bugs, preventing bugs
8.2 Reporting and triaging bugs
8.3 Debugging
9. End-User Software Engineering
10.1 Pair programming
10.2 Agile
10.3 Test-driven development
10.4 Code organization techniques