Reform of the Telephone Consumers Protection Act remains one of the most significant priorities for ACA members. As part of our efforts to seek TCPA reform, ACA is seeking data from members that will help us better tell the story for why change is necessary.

Please participate in the quick survey below. The data we collect from ACA members will only be shared in the aggregate to ensure the proprietary and confidential nature of the data collected. Additionally, we will keep confidential the names of the organizations that have participated.

Thank you in advance for participating.

Question Title

* 1. On average, how many accounts do you have with a borrower's cell phone number?

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* 2. On average, how many of the accounts cited above include consent to call a consumer's cell phone using an autodialer?

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* 3. On average, how many collectors are needed to work the total number of accounts cited above via manual dial?

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* 4. On average, how many collectors are needed to work the total number of accounts cited above using an autodialer?

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* 5. Thinking about labor costs, approximately how much more does it cost your company per year to call accounts with a manual dialer versus an autodialer?

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* 6. On average, how many right-party contacts are reached per month manually dialing the total number of accounts cited above?

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* 7. On average, how many right-party contacts are reached per month using an autodialer to call the total number of accounts cited above?

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* 8. On average, how many wrong-party contacts are reached per month using a manual dialer to call the total number of accounts cited above?

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* 9. How many wrong-party contacts are reached per month using an autodialer to call the total number of accounts cited above?

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* 10. Is there a difference in the number of attempts it takes to reach a consumer on a landline telephone versus a cell phone?

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* 11. On average, how many attempts are needed to actually reach a consumer on a cell phone?

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* 12. On average, how many attempts are needed to actually reach a consumer on a landline telephone?

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* 13. Have you been party to a TCPA related law suit in the past 12 months?

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* 14. If so, how many times?

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* 15. If so, how many of these lawsuits have been class action?

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* 16. If so, how many lawsuits did you receive based on dialing a wrong party unintentionally?

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* 17. If so, how many of the lawsuits challenge the use of "preview (or managed) dialing?"

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* 18. If so, how many of the lawsuits focus on the capacity of your predictive dialer?

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* 19. What are your estimated legal expenses as a result of these TCPA suits?

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* 20. How much have you paid in settlements and judgement pay outs?

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* 21. Do you contract with foreign call centers to handle your manual dialing needs?

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* 22. If these calls could be handled through a dialer how many jobs would stay/return stateside?

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* 23. How many accounts each month do you choose NOT to call or are unable to contact via telephone due to TCPA cellphone restrictions?