Contact Information

Question Title

Please complete this application by Thursday, April 19, 2012 for consideration. Applicants will be judged as individuals and are not expected to represent views of employers or affiliations. See Stakeholder Invitation at for more information.

Save the date: Applicants will be selected by May 1. If you are selected as a Member, the Sustainability Collaborative kick-off meeting will be on Monday, May 14, 2012 (time to be determined based on Member preference). The first meeting will be in South Lake Tahoe and meetings will alternate between North and South Shores.
Just confirmed: Special guest speaker at the first meeting - Heather Fargo, Executive Policy Officer for the Strategic Growth Council!

Questions: See the FAQ at or by contacting the Partnership team through or leave a message at (530) 686-5510.

Question Title

* 1. This is how we will contact you.

Question Title

* 2. Is this your primary residence?