Exit this survey Spektrum Test Pilot Question Title * 1. How often do you fly RC Products? Never Once a year Once a month Once a week Everyday Question Title * 2. What transmitters do you presently own? Check all that apply DX4e DX6i DX7 DX8 9303 9503 11x 12x Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How proficient are you at computer radios (0-5)? Zero being not proficient at all, 5 being expert. 1 - I refer to the manual on everything but turning it on 2 3 - I can do basic setups such as servo reversing, end point adjustment, sub trim and dual rates 4 5 - I have a through understanding of even the advanced functions in my transmitter and can use all the appropriate features such as mixing and flight modes to get exactly what I want. Question Title * 4. Have you used Programmable Mixing? Which Ones? Question Title * 5. Have you ever participated in hardware or software testing? Yes No Question Title * 6. Rate your general knowledge of RC Hardware (Servos, Receivers, Transmitters and Batteries)? 1 being no knowledge, 5 being expert. 1 2 3 4 5 Question Title * 7. What models do you have that you will test your radio with? Question Title * 8. How much time can you dedicate per week for testing? 30+ Hours 20 Hours 10 Hours 5 Hours Less than 5 hours Question Title * 9. Are you able to provide feedback on a weekly basis? Yes No Question Title * 10. Please Provide Your Contact Information: Name: Address: Email: Phone Number: Done