Clearwater Solar Pledge -- Participant Survey

Thank you for taking Clearwater's Solar Pledge. You are now taking a very important step to help the transition to a Green Energy Economy by installing renewable energy infrastructure.  You can install this yourself or cause it to be installed on a site in your community.  

Please complete the Solar Pledge Survey Form.  If you do not yet know who your solar installer will be, please contact Clearwater once you have found one and signed a contract. Most area solar installers are willing to donate a finders fee or referral reward to Clearwater, if we let them know that you are part of the Clearwater Solar Pledge.

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* 1. Contact information:

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* 2. Please take Clearwater's Solar Pledge by entering your name in space below:
I, ________, pledge to install, or cause to be installed, 5-kW or more of photovoltaic (PV) solar electric generation within one year of taking this pledge.

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* 3. Will the solar installation be on your property or some other?

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* 4. Will the solar array be installed on the roof of your building or on the ground?

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* 5. Do you plan to:

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* 6. Is this a residential or commercial/institutional installation?

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* 7. Have you selected an installer yet?

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* 8. If your installer offers a finders fee or referral award, will you ask them to donate this to Hudson River Sloop Clearwater?

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* 9. What help do you need?

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* 10. Is there anything else you want to tell us?