As we develop the agenda for the Auto Finance Summit 2010, which will take place Oct. 12-13 in Las Vegas, we invite you to propose session topics and agenda items that interest you most. Please take a moment to offer your thoughts on how we can best tailor the Summit to your needs.

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* 1. What are the most pressing business challenges you face today? Please be as specific as possible.

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* 2. What specific session topics would you like to see on this year's Agenda? Please be as detailed as possible.

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* 3. Please provide names and contact information (company name and phone number) for speakers you recommend. Note the subjects/topics for which they are best-suited.

Our policy is to include only lenders and consultants on the Speaker Faculty.

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* 4. What do you hope to gain by attending this conference?

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* 5. How can we make the Auto Finance Summit more valuable to you and more reflective of your information and networking needs now?

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* 6. Please list your contact information: