Express your feelings about the library in haiku!

Haiku poems have 3 lines:

5 syllables in the first line,
7 syllables in the second line, and
5 syllables in the last line.

Entries will be accepted from Saturday, April 7th through Sunday, April 15th.

Voting will take place online and at the library from Monday, April 16 through Sunday, April 22nd. Winners will be contacted the week of April 23rd.

Prizes include bragging rights and a book store gift card.

Need some inspiration? Click here for examples from students at the University of Missouri, Kansas City.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your haiku here:

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* 2. What is your name?

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* 3. In what city or town do you live?

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* 4. May we share your haiku, along with your name and city of residence, with others?

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* 5. How would you like to be contacted if you are a contest winner?