Exit this survey Website Feedback Template Question Title Question Title So you want a shot at winning the Crystal Delights fur tail butt plug, hmm?We don't blame you...it's a really hot toy....All you've gotta do to enter is COMPLETE THIS SURVEY, and you'll be entered to win! This information helps us make KinkAcademy.com into an ever better resource! Thanks for entering. Good luck! Question Title * 1. Are you currently a member of Kink Academy? Yes! No... If your answer is no, why haven't you signed up? Question Title * 2. How easy is it to find videos relevant to your interests on Kink Academy? Couldn't be simpler! Easy as pie Pretty easy Kinda hard... Hard! Where ARE the videos I want to watch?? Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How did you hear about Kink Academy? A live event A friend *wink wink* Internet search Flier, ruler, or other schwagg Facebook Twitter Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What topics would you like to see more of on Kink Academy? Question Title * 5. Overall, are you satisfied with Kink Academy? Hecks yeah! This site ROCKS!!! Yes, I'm satisfied I'm indifferent I'm a little disappointed I'm very displeased... Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. How likely are you to recommend our website to others? Extremely likely Very likely Moderately likely Slightly likely Not at all likely Question Title * 7. What's your email address? We need this to enter you in the drawing for the butt plug! Done