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* 1. Do you own property in the Bridge River Valley?

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* 2. Do you own property on Gun Lake?

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* 3. Do you use the Gun Lake boat launch at the south end?

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* 4. Do you use the boat launch on the east side of Gun Lake (near Highland Cream Resort)?

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* 5. Who do you think is responsible for the South End boat launch currently? (not the land)

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* 6. Do you think the land around the boat launch should be maintained and the outhouse remain?

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* 7. Who Do you think the south end Boat Launch & land surrounding it should be maintained by?

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* 8. Which way would you prefer to see funds raised to maintain the south end Gun Lake Boat Launch?

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* 9. Do you have anything else to say about the Gun Lake south end boat launch and land around it?