Question Title

* 1. Where is your heel pain?

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* 2. If you have a diagnosis for your heel pain, please identify

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* 3. Please score your current pain level

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* 4. How does your pain affect your normal activities / sport

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* 5. What is your gender?

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* 6. What is your age?

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* 7. How was your diagnosis made?

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* 8. What healthcare practitioners have you seen?

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* 9. How long have you had your problem (2 months = 8 weeks, 1 year = 52 weeks)?

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* 10. Select the treatments you have had and rate them (only rate those that you have had)?

  No help Moderately helpful Extremley helpful
Injection - steroid
Night splint
Orthotic / insert brought in a shop
Orthtoic / insole bought on the internet
Orthotic / insole not custome made to a mould but provided by specialist
Orthotic / insole custom made to a mould
FS6 Sock
Shockwave therapy
Shoe change
Trainer / running shoe
Softer sole shoe
Stretching - calf
Stretching - plantar fascia