This survey is being conducted by a partnership of the Design Industry Group of Massachusetts (DIGMA) with the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership. DIGMA's mandate is to grow the Massachusetts design economy by promoting it as the center for design excellence and to explore how design can increase market share, profits, and productivity for all businesses in the Commonwealth.

This short survey is intended to learn the extent to which your company uses and values design today and how it views its future potential so that we can better understand the importance of creativity and design to manufacturers in Massachusetts. Your responses will enable us to communicate the story of the state's manufacturing strengths locally, regionally, and nationally and ultimately will help strengthen the state's economy.

Although there are many definitions of "design," for the purposes of this survey we are using the following a definition. "Design is a structured creative process. Design is readily associated with industrial product design for manufactured products -- specifically the `look' of a product. However, the application of design is much broader, for example designing for function; for aesthetic appeal; for ease of manufacture; for sustainability; and designing for reliability or quality and business processes themselves. Elements of design, particularly graphic design, will form part of product, service and company branding and advertising strategy."

The survey is anonymous and will be kept confidential. We do not require any identifying information, and the responses will be reported only in the aggregate.

Question Title

* 1. What industry are you in?

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* 2. What are the primary products you manufacture?

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* 3. Are your products aimed primarily at

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* 4. How many employees do you have?

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* 5. What city or towns in Massachusetts do you have offices or facilities in?

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* 6. Which of the following best describes your company's use of design?

Question Title

* 7. How important is design to your competitiveness in each of the following areas? 1 is least important and 5 is most important.

  1 2 3 4 5 Not applicable
Product design (aesthetics or distinctiveness)
Product design (manufacturability, reliability, or cost)
Industrial design of the manufacturing process
Interior design
Exhibit design (trade show booths)
Communications design (branding, corporate identity, web site)

Question Title

* 8. How important is design to your competitiveness?

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* 9. Has design had any impact on how your company has weathered the recent economic downturn?

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* 10. About what percent of your product sales do you estimate is due to design that distinguishes your product?

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* 11. Over the past three years, has your company's use of design

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* 12. Over the next 3 years, do you expect your investment in design to

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* 13. Which of the following characterizes how you undertake design at your company? For the purpose of this survey we are defining "designers" as individuals who address the aesthetics of a product and/or its functionality. (Check all that apply)

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* 14. If you have internal professional product designers on your staff how many are currently employed by your company in Massachusetts?

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* 15. If you have internal professional graphic designers on your staff how many are currently employed by your company in Massachusetts?

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* 16. If you contract out for product design services from a professional product design firm, is the company:

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* 17. If you hire product designers (individuals with professional degrees in commercial and industrial design), what colleges and universities do the greatest numbers graduate from? (Both within Massachusetts and outside of Massachusetts)

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* 18. If you hire graphic designers, what colleges and universities do the greatest numbers graduate from? (Both within Massachusetts and outside of Massachusetts)

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* 19. Which of the following limit your use of design?

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* 20. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Note: refer to the definition of design in the introduction of the survey).

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree
Design is important to the competitiveness of manufacturers in Massachusetts
It is important that our company increase its investment in design if it is to remain competitive
It is easy for us to find people with the appropriate design skills in Massachusetts
More could be done to promote design in Massachusetts
There is a positive link between investment in design and profitability
Investing in product design is more important today than it was five years ago

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* 21. How would you characterize your current profitability as compared to three years ago?

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* 22. Do you have any suggestions about how to better link manufacturing and design in Massachusetts?

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* 23. Thank you very much for your time. If you would be willing to be contacted for a short conversation about this survey or about our project, please put add contact information below. Thank you.