Purpose Statement

The purpose of this survey is to gather input from parents, school staff, community members, and current and former students regarding math curriculum in Spokane Public Schools. The survey should take about ten minutes to complete. This anonymous feedback will be shared with the community and also given to the mathematics curriculum adoption committee (see following page), the Superintendent’s Leadership Team, and the School Board for consideration.

If you are taking the paper-and-pencil version of this survey, please choose one of these options for returning it:

•Return the paper-and-pencil survey to your child’s school office.

•Send the paper-and-pencil survey via United States mail to: Spokane Public Schools, Attn: Linda Lafferty, 200 N. Bernard, Spokane, WA 99201.

•Scan and send the completed survey via email to LindaLa@spokaneschools.org.