Digital Storytelling for Young Learners

Thanks for joining the Digital Storytelling for Young Learners 2013 EVO session!

Please take a couple of minutes to give us feedback about the session. If you have additional comments, or don't have enough room to write fully about this session, please send an email to one of the members of the EVO Coordination Team (see for addresses).

Your comments will be taken into consideration for our future workshops :-)

Question Title

1. Did you enjoy this EVO session? (Please comment whether you answered YES or NO.)

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2. How many online sessions did you sign up for?

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3. If you took more than 1 session, was it too much work for you? Do you have any comments on this?

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4. How would you describe your participation in this session? (Choose as many as appropriate.)

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5. What did you find useful/not useful about this EVO session?

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6. What did the moderator do that was particularly helpful? (Choose as many as appropriate.)

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7. Did you feel your session had the right amount of interaction among participants and between participants and moderator(s)? (You may choose more than one.)

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8. What do you think about the framework of this session?

  I am satisfied I am partly satisfied I am not satisfied
Was the platform(s) used in the session (e.g. Yahoo Groups, Edmodo, Ning, Moodle, wiki, blog, etc.)appropriate, accessible, user-friendly, etc.?
Was the type of session (workshop or discussion) appropriate to the content?
The length of the session--was there too much or too little to cover in five weeks?

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9. Let us know your future plans (add details in the text box below):

  Yes No I don´t know yet
Are you planning to attend the TESOL Convention this spring?
If so, are you presenting at the Convention?
If so, are you planning an informal gathering?

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10. For next year's Electronic Village Online: