Thinking about clicker questions on my own, before discussing with people around me, helped me learn the course material.
Most of the time I actually read the required material before class.
Pre-lecture reading quizzes helped me recognize what was difficult in the reading.
Most of the time my group actually discusses the clicker question.
Discussing course topics with my seatmates in class helped me better understand the course material.
The immediate feedback from clickers helped me focus on weaknesses in my understanding of the course material.
Knowing the right answer is the only important part of the clicker question.
Generally, by the time we finished with a question and discussion, I felt pretty clear about it.
Clickers are an easy-to-use class collaboration tool.
Clickers helped me pay attention in this course compared to traditional lectures.
Clickers with discussion is valuable for my learning.
I recommend that other instructors use this approach (reading quizzes, clickers, in-class discussion) in their courses.