Gulf-wide Peer Listening Training Registration

Peer Listeners should be individuals within a community who are highly trusted, dependable, and can keep information confidential. They should be representative of all cultural, ethnic, and age groups within coastal communities. Peer listeners are volunteers that will be trained and then must be willing to commit their time as needed to assist individuals in coping with emotional stress resulting from the oil spill. Success requires a long-term (2-10 year) commitment. Peer listeners come from various sectors including: the fishing industry, tourism, oil and gas industry, educators, clergy, local police, and other public and private sectors affected by the spill.

Due to space limitations we encourage you to register as soon as possible. We will send a confirmation email if space is available for you. If training capacity was reached before your registration was received you will be placed on the top of the list for the next training.

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* The first set of peer listening training sessions have concluded. Please indicate your interest in attending a future training by marking a box below.

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* We are identifying people that are interested in future trainings. Please select where you would prefer to attend a future training.

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* Please provide your contact information.

To complete your registration please click on the "Submit registration" button. You will be directed to background information on Peer Listening.