1. BEAZER'S GARDEN ~ Naturally with Love! SURVEY

Thanks for being a customer of Beazer's Garden.

I would greatly appreciate your comments about the items you've tried from my shop. I want to know what people are looking for when shopping for natural products. What do you think of scent, packaging, portions, price? I welcome suggestions for improvement and appreciate honest feedback, as this helps me gauge how people feel about my products.

At the end of this short survey will be links for discounts on your next purchase and a code for a FREE $10 GIFT CERTIFICATE to my shop!

**Be sure to click through to END the survey.

*Note that I may use comments on my websites. I will only use first names with the initial of the last name.

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Was this a gift for yourself or someone else? If for someone else, please send them this survey. If purchased for yourself, please continue.

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* 2. Last Name & Date of purchase? Used to issue gift certificate.

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* 3. Please check each item you have tried.

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* 4. Essential oils offer natural scents that are lighter than chemical based fragrance scents. Was the scent strong enough, compared to regular store bought items? Which do you prefer?

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* 5. Compared to similar items, how does this product rank? With 1 = "The Worst" and 5 = "The Best"

  1 2 3 4 5

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* 6. In terms of variety for natural products, are there any items you would like to see?

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* 7. I'm thinking of changing the look of my shop; in trying my products what kind of imagery is more appealing?

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* 8. I'm thinking of changing my containers; Would glass and other eco-friendly containers be preferable to plastic containers even if cost increased slightly?

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* 9. Is shipping costs a major factor to you when shopping online? Does it hinder your purchase?

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* 10. Overall, how satisfied are you with your transaction, item, shipping/time? Would you buy this product again or recommend to others?