Women in Youth Min: EU, SA, AU, NZ |
Welcome and Thank you!
Thank you for being willing to contribute your own knowledge and experience to this important research. To take this survey you need to be a woman in some kind of Christian youth work (church, para-church, local trust or charity)...it's that simple!
You can relax: the information you supply will not be traced back to you and your email address will not be sold to anyone. After one "please-take-the-survey-reminder" your email address will not be archived by the researchers. (At the end of the survey you will be given the opportunity to voluntarily supply your name/email address if you wish to participate in further studies and receive a copy of completed survey results write up.)
The survey often refers to "church/organisation". If you are not ministering to youth in the context of a church, but rather a Christian ministry that is a local trust or charity, "church/organisation" means you...as a full time or part time employed, or a volunteer.
You are welcome to forward the survey link on to others if you like.
Every single question in the survey is important. If you need to leave the survey (and click out of it)...returning involves just re-entering the link. You will be back to where you last clicked "next".
The next page is an "informed consent" statement. Something
like this required in all social science survey research.
...and then the survey begins.
Thank you for being willing to contribute your own knowledge and experience to this important research. To take this survey you need to be a woman in some kind of Christian youth work (church, para-church, local trust or charity)...it's that simple!
You can relax: the information you supply will not be traced back to you and your email address will not be sold to anyone. After one "please-take-the-survey-reminder" your email address will not be archived by the researchers. (At the end of the survey you will be given the opportunity to voluntarily supply your name/email address if you wish to participate in further studies and receive a copy of completed survey results write up.)
The survey often refers to "church/organisation". If you are not ministering to youth in the context of a church, but rather a Christian ministry that is a local trust or charity, "church/organisation" means you...as a full time or part time employed, or a volunteer.
You are welcome to forward the survey link on to others if you like.
Every single question in the survey is important. If you need to leave the survey (and click out of it)...returning involves just re-entering the link. You will be back to where you last clicked "next".
The next page is an "informed consent" statement. Something
like this required in all social science survey research.
...and then the survey begins.