Springfield Fair Housing Survey Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.We are collecting information from residents of Springfield about any experiences you might have had making it hard for you to gain access to housing—to find a place to live, both in Springfield and in surrounding communities. This survey is confidential—the only information we are collecting about you is which zip code you live in so we can sort the problems residents are facing by the neighborhoods they live in, or would like to live in.We would also like to hear your ideas on how you think the city is doing in our responsibility to “affirmatively further fair housing”, that is, how is the city doing in our efforts to make it easier for all residents to find a good place to live? Question Title * 1. Have you experienced any of the following in looking for housing in the city of Springfield? (check all that apply) Can’t live in an apartment because you have kids and there is lead-based paint Can’t live in an apartment or house because you don’t speak English Can’t live in an apartment or house because you are from a different culture than the landlord. Can’t buy a house because no bank will give you a mortgage Can’t rent an apartment because you have kids and they don’t allow kids Can’t live in an apartment because you qualify for Section 8 and the landlord doesn't accept Section 8. Can’t rent an apartment because you or a family member is in a wheel chair and they don’t have ramps or elevators so don’t accept people in wheelchairs All of these “reasons” for denying you or anyone you know housing are ILLEGAL. It is against the law for a landlord or bank or other lending institution to discriminate against you because you have kids, because of your race, because of your age, because you are gay or lesbian, because you or someone in your family is disabled, because you don’t speak English or are from a different culture. Housing discrimination is WRONG and against the law. Question Title * 2. Have you experienced any of the following in looking for housing outside the city of Springfield, i.e. in surrounding communities? Please check all that apply: Can't live in an apartment or house because you have kids and there is lead-based paint Can't live in an apartment or house because you don't speak English Can't live in an apartment or house because you are from a different culture than the landlord Can't buy a house because no bank will give you a mortgage Can't rent an apartment or house because you have kids and they don't allow kids Can't live in an apartment or house because you qualify for Section 8 and the landlord doesn't accept Section 8. Can't rent an apartment or house because you or a family member is in a wheel chair and they don't have ramps or elevators so don't accept people in wheel chairs All of these “reasons” for denying you or anyone you know housing are ILLEGAL. It is against the law for a landlord of bank or other lending institution to discriminate against you because you have kids, because of your race, because of your age, because you are gay or lesbian, because you or someone in your family is disabled, because you don’t speak English or are from a different culture. Housing discrimination is WRONG and against the law. Question Title * 3. How do you feel about the city of Springfield’s’ effort to make it easier for everyone who lives in Springfield to find a decent place to live? Outstanding Good Adequate Not Good Horrible Question Title * 4. Have you participated in any city planning meetings Yes No Describe which meetings you participated in or explain why you have not participated. Question Title * 5. Please tell us what would make it easier for you to participate in city meetings: If we provided childcare If we provided transportation If the meetings were held in your neighborhood If the meetings were held on the weekends If the meetings were held during the day when my kids are in school If the meetings were held in the evenings when I didn't need to work If there were translation services available because I don't speak or understand English very well I'd rather participate in an on-line survey, like this one Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Do you feel like the city is hearing your concerns? Yes No Please explain why or why not Question Title * 7. If yes to above question--what has the city done to make you feel heard? Question Title * 8. If no to question 5, what has the city done to make you feel excluded? Question Title * 9. Please tell us how you think the city could do a better job making it easier for everyone in Springfield to find a good place to live: Question Title * 10. Please tell us your zip code so we can better understand where housing issues exist. 01101 01102 01103 01104 01105 01107 01108 01109 01111 01115 01118 01119 01128 01129 01138 01139 01144 01152 01199 Question Title * 11. Any Further Comments/Concerns Done