Exit this survey Working interviews: Should you be paid? Question Title * 1. RDH eVillage would like to hear from both potential job candidates and employers with this survey. (For employers, there are only two questions, so please scroll down to Question 7 after this first question to resume the survey.)Which of the following best describes your position in the dental practice? Dental assistant Dentist Front office Hygienist Office manager Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Have you gone on a “working interview” and then NOT been paid? Yes No Question Title * 3. If you answered YES to Question 2, how many “working interviews” have you been on without remuneration? 1-3 4-6 More than 6 Question Title * 4. If you answered YES to Question 2, what action(s) did you take after the interview? I decided, based on not getting paid, this dental office is not a fit for me. I spoke with the employer and asked to be paid. No action, I needed a position so badly that I chose to do nothing. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If you answered YES to Question 2, did you get hired for the position in which you did not get paid for the “working interview?” Yes No Question Title * 6. If you answered YES to Question 2, are you doing anything differently now when applying for jobs? Question Title * 7. FOR EMPLOYERS: If you are an employer who requires a “working” interview before hiring, please check all positions that you require a “working interview “for? Dental Assistant Dentist Front Office Hygienist Office Manager Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. If you are an employer who requires a “working interview” before hiring, and do not feel you need to compensate the applicant, please explain your “no-pay” rule. This is a way for the practice to get production completed without paying applicants. Tough economic times. I would pay an applicant if she/he asked to be paid. I do not charge my patients for services performed by an applicant, hence will not pay the candidate. Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Do you have any comments about the effectiveness or appropriateness of "working interviews" as a method for screening potential job candidates? Thank you for participating in this survey. Done