Exit this survey Question Title * Using a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 means "does not describe at all" and 4 means "describes completely," please indicate how well you think each of the following words or phrases describes the Global Action Atlas. 1-Does not describe at all 2 3 4-Describes completely Interesting Interesting 1-Does not describe at all Interesting 2 Interesting 3 Interesting 4-Describes completely Easy to navigate Easy to navigate 1-Does not describe at all Easy to navigate 2 Easy to navigate 3 Easy to navigate 4-Describes completely Overwhelming Overwhelming 1-Does not describe at all Overwhelming 2 Overwhelming 3 Overwhelming 4-Describes completely Busy/cluttered Busy/cluttered 1-Does not describe at all Busy/cluttered 2 Busy/cluttered 3 Busy/cluttered 4-Describes completely Well organized Well organized 1-Does not describe at all Well organized 2 Well organized 3 Well organized 4-Describes completely Visually appealing Visually appealing 1-Does not describe at all Visually appealing 2 Visually appealing 3 Visually appealing 4-Describes completely Easy to understand Easy to understand 1-Does not describe at all Easy to understand 2 Easy to understand 3 Easy to understand 4-Describes completely Engaging Engaging 1-Does not describe at all Engaging 2 Engaging 3 Engaging 4-Describes completely Next