Thank you for your interest in becoming a trainer for NET

The Nonprofit Essentials Training (NET) Program was created for nonprofit leaders and board members throughout the state to improve their basic knowledge and skills so that they can increase the impact their organizations are having in their communities.

The program is designed to be affordable, easy to use, and to provide clear, actionable information and tools.

Please complete the following to apply.

To help you complete this application, please have the following materials available for uploading:
* A current resume
* A list of nonprofit clients
* EITHER one evaluation data summary from the last three years in each area of expertise, OR contact information for a minimum of three sponsors’ names for each area of expertise
* Profile Statement

You will be asked to e-mail your trainer resume, client list, evaluation data sets (or references) to Laura Ciotti at after submitting this application.

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* 1. Company Name

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* 2. Mailing Address

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* 3. City, State, ZIP

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* 4. Website or LinkedIn Profile

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* 5. Name of person completing this application

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* 6. Phone number

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* 7. E-mail address

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* 8. Please check those categories for which you are requesting to be considered as a trainer.

Disclosure: NET currently offers curriculum in Board Leadership, Financial Management and Strategic Planning, but may add more subjects in the future.

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* 9. NET may add more subjects in the future. Please check any additional categories for which you are requesting to be considered as a trainer.

If you have been in practice for up to 6 years, please check no more than 4 categories.
If you have been in practice for more than 6 years, you may select up to 8 categories.

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* 10. Indicate below if you have training experience that totals more than twenty hours with organizations that are primarily based in, or focused on, the communities identified below:

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* 11. If you selected one of more of the above communities, please describe your specific experience working with organizations that serve them.

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* 12. If you fluently provide services in languages other than English, please indicate which languages.

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* 13. Please provide a summary of your training practice (2,500 character max). This will appear in your profile.

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* 14. Please select all the counties below that you are willing to consider requests from (one day training).

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* 15. In order to build up the pool of qualified trainers, especially in rural areas, NET may pair up expert trainers with rural community leaders who have knowledge in the initial NET subject areas, but who don't have experience giving trainings. Are you willing to serve as a mentor to train a new trainer?