Philanthropy in Europe for NEF Members Your Information Question Title * 1. What is the name of your organisation? Question Title * 2. Which of the following best describes your position? Executive Director Board Member Manager/Director Chief Financial Officer Programme Officer Publishing/Communications Officer Research Evaluations Officer Other Question Title * 3. In what area(s) does the foundation work? (Check all that apply) Science and research Health Environmental protection and climate change Promotion of democracy Animal welfare Social inequalities Access to law Education International / regional affairs Peace Corporate accountability New economic thinking Rights promotion / protection Art / culture / protection of historical monuments Energy Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Please list the regions of the world in which you operate. Tick all that apply. Western Europe Eastern Europe Pan Europe North Africa and the Middle East Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia East Asia South East Asia North America Central and South America Oceania Other If other, please specify Question Title * 5. Which countries of Europe do you operate in? If none, please say 'none'. Question Title * 6. How would you best describe the foundation you work for? Grantmaking Operational A mix Question Title * 7. How many paid employees does your foundation have? Please enter a positive number with no spaces before and after and using only number characters, for example 57 (correct!) rather than 57 FT (not recognised by Survey Monkey). Question Title * 8. What is your foundation's total annual budget in Euros? Please enter a positive number with no spaces before and after and using only number characters, for example 1230000 (correct!) rather than 1,230,000 or 1230000EUR (not recognised by Survey Monkey). Question Title * 9. Approximately how many grantees, partners or projects does your foundation support annually? Please enter a positive number with no spaces before and after and using only number characters, for example 12 (correct!) rather than 8 grantees and 4 projects (not recognised by Survey Monkey). Next