1. Default Section

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your grade level:

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* 2. Please indicate your gender:

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* 3. I understand the mission of Silver Creek High School.

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* 4. Silver Creek High School is preparing me for success after high school.

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* 5. As a student, I am involved in decisions that affect me at Silver Creek High School.

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* 6. All adults at Silver Creek High School expect me to do my best.

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* 7. I understand what I need to do to succeed at Silver Creek High School.

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* 8. I find the classes at Silver Creek High School to be rigorous and challenging.

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* 9. I am comfortable talking with Dr. Seifert.

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* 10. If I want to speak with Dr. Seifert, she is available.

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* 11. Dr. Seifert listens to my ideas or concerns about Silver Creek High School.

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* 12. If I need help, I can count on the adults at Silver Creek High School for it.

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* 13. I feel comfortable asking my teachers for help.

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* 14. My teachers are good about letting me know how I’m doing in class.

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* 15. I find it easy to talk with the teachers at Silver Creek High School.