Exit this survey 2011 Annual Meeting Member Survey Question Title * The NCMS Political Action Committee (NCMS-PAC) invites its member to a luncheon during the Annual Meeting. Who do you want to hear from, and what do you want to learn? I want to learn about the 2012 state and federal elections. I want to learn about the state budget and its impact on my patients I want to hear from policy experts about …. I want to hear from our elected officials I want to learn about how I can be a better advocate for my patients I want to hear what our elected officials are really doing on Jones Street Other (please specify) Question Title * The General Membership Meeting should include an educational session on the following: Health Information Technology and the latest activities and programs that affect my practice What I should know about accountable care arrangements and how to participate Health system reform: where it stands, what is next Legislative updates including liability reform How medical practices can implement employee wellness activities Other (please specify) Question Title * Do you have suggestions for a speaker at the General Membership Meeting? Question Title * Would you be interested in the following: (choose all that apply) An open forum with the NCMS Board of Directors Arranged family activities in Raleigh, including the NC State Fair Information on revitalizing my county medical society Meeting with specific programs and vendors (please specify) Other (please specify) Question Title Done