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Hi! We are asking you to help us by filling out this short form because we know you are an active community member who cares about your neighborhood and your city. We will be presenting ideas about carbon neutral neighborhoods to Seattle City Council on September 14, 2010.

What is a carbon neutral neighborhood? Well, that is exactly what we're asking you! We know we can purchase "carbon offsets" to become more carbon neutral, and we know in the future we'll need to use less fossil fuels and emit fewer greenhouse gases, but we also know we need to do more to make sure we support local neighborhoods as they continue to grow ever more healthy, happy, strong, and secure. Here is a brief article on resilient cities that you might want to read for background.

Who are we? We represent groups of people like you who are trying to build resilient communities and sustainability in our neighborhoods. There are so many different kinds groups in Seattle working to build a sustainable city – let us know if your group is a community council, a business chamber, a cultural heritage group, a garden club, a neighborhood arts group, a sustainable community group, or something else – we’re all working together! We want to learn about and include your ideas, your suggestions and the projects your group is working on to make a sustainable and carbon neutral city a reality.

If you want to learn more about what we are doing and get more involved, please visit: http://seattleneighbors.org/

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* 1. Please provide us with contact information so we can keep you up to date on what we are doing and so we can follow up with you to find out more about your ideas, suggestions and existing projects.

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* 2. What are some of the things your group is doing now to reduce your community’s use of energy and natural resources?

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* 3. Can you share any ideas for ways the City government might encourage and support neighborhoods to be healthier, happier, more local and resilient as we progress towards carbon neutrality?

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* 4. City government is made up of people like us trying to do their best to build a thriving community. Does your group help the government now to become more resilient and sustainable? How could you help in the future?

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* 5. Be creative! What does "carbon neutral" mean in your neighborhood? What jobs, businesses, and activities would be thriving if your neighborhood used less fossil fuel? What would houses, schools, streets, and gardens look like? What services would the City offer?

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* 6. Do you have any other ideas you want to share about how the City and its neighborhoods can be more carbon neutral

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* 7. Privacy: by default, data will only be used by this working group internally or published anonymously.