How will wholesalers grow top line revenues in the New Normal?

Wholesalers put a premium on top-line growth. Traditionally, growth has been associated with outside sales efforts and the function receives significant funding and attention. In this research, however, we are taking a broader view of growth. We are breaking down top-line growth into new and existing products, new and existing customers, new branches, acquisitions, alliances, new business models, etc. In all, we’ve categorized and will research nearly a dozen legitimate methods to grow the wholesale firm. The break-downs and research is important as we believe, since the Great Recession, distributors will have to be much more careful of how they fund growth and the type(s) of growth they target. We welcome your participation in the research and will send a free copy of the Executive Summary to your attention once the project is complete. Thank you for your participation.

Respondent Confidentiality Guarantee

This research is being conducted by Benfield Consulting and Industrial Supply Magazine. Responses are confidential and no individual information will be analyzed or released. Respondents are encouraged to leave their e-mail addresses for a free Executive Summary to follow in the fourth quarter of 2013.