1. Disabled Students Programs and Services' Online Training for Glendale College Faculty

Module Two: Visual Disabilities

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* 1. A blind student sees only darkness.

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* 2. Low vision students always need some form of mobility assistance for getting around a college campus. Canes, guide dogs, trams or assistants are a few methods for low vision students to use.

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* 3. If a guide dog is lying down, it is ok to pet the dog to show that you mean no harm to its master.

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* 4. It's generally not a good idea to use vision-oriented words, such as "look", "see", or "watch". It might be confusing to the person.

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* 5. Blind people actually can hear better than other people.

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* 6. How would you rate your present level of comfort regarding teaching blind or low vision students?

  not at all comfortable somewhat comfortable very comfortable
I am:

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* 7. Name one to three things that an instructor could do to make his/her overhead projections easier to see for a low vision student.

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* 8. Do you have any particular questions about visual disabilities that we can answer?

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* 9. Please enter your name as proof you have completed this pretest.