1. Overview

This is a time of unprecedented change for media policies and platforms. Factors such as the current economic crisis, rampant media consolidation, emerging new media technology and shifts in the administration bring unique and urgent challenges and opportunities to the movement for social justice and human rights. Faced with this changing communications landscape, grassroots justice organizations have a significant role to play in clarifying the core media policy threats and challenges facing media platforms in the U.S., and envisioning a long-term media policy agenda that supports open, accessible, and affordable public platforms and eliminates racism and poverty.
These times demand visionary, movement building approaches to media policy change.

It’s no longer enough to win individual victories, we must use media policy change to fundamentally shift our social, cultural and political ecology.
 This discussion focuses on the media policy and infrastructure problems facing the U.S.

Question Title

* 1. What's your name?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following media policy themes in order of their importance to you and to your social justice work:
Media Privatization

  Very Important Important Not So Important
Internet security/privacy
Hate Speech
Broadband Policy
Landline/Cell Phones
Communication Rights/Human Rights
Journalism Models
Media literacy/digital access in education
Public Access/Cable
Low Power FM
Music/Cultural Policy

Question Title

* 3. Considering the issues/themes above, if you had to define your biggest idea for an achievable vision of U.S. media policy and infrastructure/platforms in the next 10-20 years in 2-3 sentences, what would it be?

Question Title

* 4. In your opinion, what are the most significant media policy or legal challenges facing social justice movements and democracy today?

What do you anticipate to be the most significant regulatory, legal, or other structural barrier(s) to achieving your vision for media policy and platforms in the next 10-20 years?