1. Introduction

2012 marks 25 years of GhostConvey being the leading conveyancing solution in South Africa, during which time we have constantly adapted, improved and developed our conveyancing software. This has not happened in a vacuum, it has happened by connecting, collaborating and communicating with the broader conveyancing community. It is against this backdrop that we are conducting this year's survey, one which sees many of the familiar questions conveyancers have specifically asked to have repeated with the addition of a few more. The results will be presented at this year's roadshow - the theme of which is Connect. Communicate. Collaborate. - and published in the GhostDigest.

Survey Notes
  • Please answer as accurately as possible and as many questions as possible.
  • You may navigate between questions using the "Prev" and "Next" buttons.
  • Remember once you are complete you have to click the "Finish" button on the last page to save your responses otherwise they will be lost.
  • All amounts must be entered as a whole number eg. 120 - no cents or percentage symbols are necessary or will be accepted.
17% of survey complete.