SYP Scotland is a branch of the Society for Young Publishers, a community of support and sharing for people of any age who have been in publishing for fewer than ten years, or who are interested in working in the industry. We have a diverse membership, from publishing students to established professionals.

As part of our commitment to career development, we are designing a mentoring scheme wherein more experienced professionals can support our members. Whilst we can't pay mentors, we do have funds to reimburse expenses.

By filling in this survey, you are helping us to judge what sort of relationship mentors may be interested in. You are not committing to a mentoring relationship at this stage.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us a bit about yourself. (Your contact details will only be used for the purposes of the SYP Mentoring Scheme.)

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* 2. Is there anything else you would like to add about your current role?

Question Title

* 3. What sort of person would you be interested in mentoring?

  Most interested May be interested Not interested
A recent graduate from an undergraduate course
A recent graduate from a postgraduate course
A professional who would like to move into publishing from another sector
A publishing professional looking to develop their current career path
A publishing professional who would like to change their role
A publishing professional who would like to learn about a new field of the industry

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* 4. What sort of contact would you want with your mentee?

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* 5. Approximately how often would you like contact with your mentee?

Question Title

* 6. How long would you like your relationship with your mentee to be?

Question Title

* 7. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about how you envisage your potential role as a mentor?

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any concerns that you would like to be addressed before agreeing to a role as a mentor?