Exit this survey Virtual Field Trip Feedback (md) LOGISTICS Question Title * 1. Which Virtual Field Trip did you use? Question Title * 2. How did you find out about the virtual field trip? On the Alaska SeaLife Center webpage From a member of the research team On a visit to the Aquarium Through an education program with the Alaska SeaLife Center At a teacher workshop (which workshop?) At another conference or event (which conference?) From an Alaska SeaLife Center employee From another educator Scuttlebutt listserv Other (please describe) Comments: Question Title * 3. How would you describe yourself? Elementary classroom teacher Secondary classroom teacher Post-Secondary Educator School Administrator Classroom Aide Media Specialist Curriculum Specialist Informal educator Work professionally in the science field (please describe) Other (please describe) Comments: Question Title * 4. What age students do you work with? K-2 grade 3-5 grade 6-8 grade High school College Informal education, K-12 I do not regularly interact with students. Comments: Next