Exit this survey >> Your Feedback: Fall 2013 Question Title * 1. With which class is this library session associated? FYS 128 (11/19) FYS 155 Question Title * 2. Which librarian taught this session? Sika Berger Sharon Domier Josephine Hernandez Meg Meiman Rocco Piccinino Barbara Polowy Bruce Sajdak Pam Skinner Marlene Wong Question Title * 3. If the session left you confused about any topics, please list them here. Question Title * 4. What was the most helpful thing you learned? Question Title * 5. Did the librarian spend too much or too little time on any one thing? Question Title * 6. Overall, how would you rate this class? Excellent Good Fair Poor Question Title * 7. If you'd like a response to your comments, please give us your name and email address. Name: Email Address: Done >>