Question Title

* 1. Your email (especially if consulting with one of our staff at Hope project)

Question Title

* 2. Your consultant (leave blank if not consulting with a staff from Hope Project)

Question Title

* 3. Please answer each question based on your current experience of your relationship.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
Gratitude is a major component of the satisfaction and closeness in my relationship.
I do not question why my partner does kind things for me.
I often experience and express gratitude for what my partner does for me.
I receive a lot of gratitude and appreciation for what I do for my partner.
I never feel that I need to return the favor because a gift is a gift.
My spouse and I have found a way to share the housework that we both agree upon.
I recognize the work each of us puts into our relationship and household.
I want to learn more about incorporating gratitude into my relationship.