1. Welcome to the Learning for Well-being Survey!

2% of survey complete.
You are invited to participate in the first version of the Learning for Well-being Survey. Learning for Well-being is a phrase we are using to describe the process of developing our innate human capacities, in relation to the self, others, and the environment, towards well-being for all.

This online survey is asking young people in Europe, aged 18–35 years of age, to share their experience, valuing and awareness of certain key elements of Learning for Well-being. In participating, young people are making their views heard so they can actively co-create and shape the environments in which they live.

The European community, and most especially other young people, benefit from your responses because you are providing insight into the experiences and opinions of young people. The responses will also guide activities of the L4WB: Learning for Well-being European Youth Movement - a Youth in Action partnership project and inform their activities.

The majority of this survey is framed as multiple-choice answers to questions or statements.

This survey will ask you questions about:
• how you see yourself;
• how you make decisions;
• how you learn;
• how you relate to others (including adults in your learning environment);
• and some of your life experiences.

Your learning environment may be your school or workplace, or other social, family, or community environments in which you learn. Choose one learning environment to respond about throughout the survey. Please keep this environment in mind as you answer questions about your learning environment and the adults who are teaching or coaching you.

We ask that you consider each question and answer it to the best of your ability. There are no wrong answers! Answer from the point of view of your most authentic self. In the survey, we ask 100 questions, and for some personal information. Please set aside 20-25 minutes to complete the survey.

How else you may contribute:
Since this survey is the first version of an ongoing attempt to engage young people's voices in the Learning for Well-being Youth Movement, we actively seek your contribution about how we can make this survey better. At the end of the survey, there is space for you to ask questions and give specific feedback on your experience of filling in this survey.

Confidentiality and reassurance:
The survey IS ANONYMOUS. Your responses will not be used to identify you. Demographic information such as age, country, and gender are asked so we can use that information in combination with others to see if the survey items are working for young people with various characteristics. We will not release or publish any information. Data will be kept secure by UEF and ChildTrends: no one else will have access to it (as the organisations that created and administer the survey). What you say in the survey is confidential.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You can ask any questions or highlight any concerns or remove your questionnaire from the survey by contacting: Jean Anne Kennedy jeananne@learningforwellbeing.org

Here is the url for our website: