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* 1. What is your best email address?

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* 2. What is your name?

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* 3. How long have you been following Disciple Deep?

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* 4. I have been working as a professional in the comic book industry for 13 years. I have a variety of expertise that will be beneficial to you. I have been developing a number of products to help you on your path that will revolutionize the comic book media. Which one of these are you most likely be interested in paying money to buy?

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* 5. Great comic books creators are continually developing their skills over their lifetime. This takes a lot of patience, time, and money. What would you consider the most important KEY INGREDIENT that you are needing to learn RIGHT NOW?

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* 6. If I could give you EXACTLY what you are looking for in terms of EXPERIENCE, EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, and ENGAGING ENTERTAINMENT, that could dramatically altar the way you see comics and create PROFITABLE INCOME STREAMS for you and those you know in the COMIC BOOK INDUSTRY, how much would you be willing to pay to allow me to give that to you?

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* 7. It is said comic creators are usually a close-knit bunch. How many PROFESSIONAL comic book creators do you have a close, personal relationship with.

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* 8. How serious are you about making professional comics?

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* 9. Why do you want to be in comics? What Is the key MOTIVATING FACTOR that keep you making comics?

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* 10. What are the favorite places on the web you go for inspirational comic book related resources?