There is an erroneous belief that bullying stops after high school, and unfortunately, there is little research to support whether bullying is actually happening on college campuses. I hypothesize that bullying is alive and well and happening every day on every campus in the country.

The purpose of this survey is to get a clear picture of whether bullying is going on at your college, the kinds of bullying occurring, the success of interventions, and the strategies college campuses employ to stop the problem.

There are nine (9) questions, eight of them are multiple choice. The 9th question offers an opportunity to write about your college bullying experience as a victim, bully or bystander. All answers will be kept confidential. This survey has been designed so your IP address cannot be traced, so please be as honest as you are comfortable with.

Your willingness to complete this survey is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. The definition of bullying is when someone purposefully and repeatedly hurts or frightens another person with the intent to humiliate. This may be done in a variety of ways; some examples include:

hurtful teasing
threatening actions or gestures
sending nasty messages via SMS, the internet or emails
stealing or destroying one's property
deliberately ignoring or excluding someone from a group or conversation.

Have you ever been bullied?

Question Title

* 2. Have you ever been bullied on a college campus by another person or group?

Question Title

* 3. As a college student, are you or have you been bullied through electronic devices or social media (also known as cyberbullying)?

  Never Sometimes (once or twice a month) Regularly (weekly) Often (daily)
Text messages
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Instant messaging
YouTube or other video site

Question Title

* 4. Have you ever witnessed bullying and tried to intervene to stop it? If so, were you successful?

Question Title

* 5. If you witnessed bullying and didn't step in to help the victim, was that because

Question Title

* 6. If you have been bullied on campus, did you report it to any of these people?

  Yes No N/A
Not applicable...I've never been bullied (check N/A)
Your mother/guardian
Your father/guardian
A professor
A counselor
Director of Residence Life
A tutor
A security guard
Vice President of Student Affairs
A classmate
A friend or group of friends

Question Title

* 7. Does your campus offer programs or workshops that address the issue of bullying?

Question Title

* 8. To accurately answer this question, please find your college's Student Code of Conduct (or its equivalent), which can be found in the catalog or on the college's website.

Does your college's Student Code of Conduct address bullying specifically, or do these behaviors come under another category, and are sanctions (consequences) for bullying behaviors clearly explained?

Question Title

* 9. If you are willing to share your personal experience with bullying, please feel free to do so below. Give explicit details of what happened, whether the bully ever had consequences for his/her behaviors, and the impact bullying has had on your life.