LGPS 2014 - Negotiations completed. Time to have your say

After months of tough negotiations, the proposals for the LGPS from 2014 have been signed off by ministers for consultation.

UNISON will now look to engage in consultation with members to inform you about the proposals and what they mean for you.

The other LGPS unions and the Local Government Association will do the same. UNISON will be consulting you about the proposals in a postal ballot. Please take time to read the proposals, tell your colleagues to do the same and go to briefings held in your branch or region. And don't forget to recruit colleagues into the union. They need the strength and democracy of UNISON behind them to protect their pension - now and in the future.

We need your view now on whether we recommend accepting or rejecting the proposals in an upcoming formal ballot of UNISON members. Please give your view below.

To see the details of the latest proposals please go to;
UNISON LGPS Proposals for the new scheme
LGPS 2014 at a glance
LGPS 2014 - Frequently Asked Questions
LGPS 2014 - Protection
LGPS 2014 - A career average pension
LGPS 2014 - Member Contributions

If you have recently moved, please ensure we have your correct details. You can update your details by calling 0845 355 0845 or by going to UNISON Update your details online

Question Title

* 1. Would you recommend these proposals to a colleague as a good deal?

Question Title

* 2. Would you be interested in any of the following?