Colorin Colorado's Common Core State Standards (CCSS) resource section features resources related to the implementation of the CCSS for English language learners:

This is just the first step, though! We'd love to hear your thoughts about the following:

•What are your questions and concerns about implementing the CCSS with ELLs?
•What kinds of resources, strategies, and professional development tools would benefit you and your colleagues as you prepare to implement the CCSS?

Please share your thoughts in the survey below. Thank you!

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* 1. What would you like to know about the Common Core State Standards?

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* 2. What challenges do you think educators will face when planning to implement the CCSS for ELLs in language arts?

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* 3. What challenges will they face with the math standards?

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* 4. Are there any particular standards/skills that educators will need to focus on when preparing to implement the CCSS with ELLs?

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* 5. What kinds of resources or tools would enhance your professional development (or enhance the professional development you may be asked to lead) on the CCSS?

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* 6. What do you think administrators/professional development leaders need to know in order to ensure quality professional development around the CCSS?

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* 7. How is your district approaching the implementation of the CCSS with ELLs?

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* 8. Are there any positive steps that your school/district has taken on behalf of ELLs and the CCSS that you would like to share as an example?

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* 9. Would you like to add any other comments or questions?

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* 10. Please enter your e-mail address here if you are interested in a drawing for a selection of children/YA books, and enter your age group of interest. Thank you for participating!