Memotech Hardware Survey


I would like to be able to guesstimate the number of Memotech MTX computers that were actually sold and thought some information on model and serial numbers would be useful.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to answer the following questions about your Memotech MTX computer(s) and/or other hardware. If you have more than one machine, could you fill in the survey for each one please?

If I get sufficient answers, I will post the results on my Memotech MTX website,


Question Title

* 1. Please enter the model number of this Memotech hardware, e.g., MTX500 / MTX512 / RS128 / MTX512S2 / MTX2000 / FDX / SDX etc.

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* 2. If this Memotech hardware is an MTX computer, please enter the amount of installed RAM - note, this may not be what is suggested by the label on the keyboard

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* 3. If this is an MTX Computer, please enter the hardware version of the system board

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* 4. Please enter the model number part of the serial number on the case, e.g., for an MTX computer, it might be "500/", or "512/" etc

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* 5. Please enter the numeric part of the serial number, e.g., 12345

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* 6. Where did you obtain this hardware?

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* 7. How long have you owned this item?

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* 8. Please enter your name and your home location (optional)

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* 9. Please enter your e-mail address (optional)

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* 10. You may enter any other comments here.
Update: Can you please also enter any information that might give an indication of the date of manufacture, this might be a "Tested" label with date on the system board and/or a hand written date label on the case.