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Dear Members,

EBAN is in the process of reviewing its strategic priorities for the period 2010-2013. This review is largely based on ensuring that the evolution of the association is in line with the expectations of its members and also with the market trends which will impact our industry.

We have prepared a short survey (it should take you no more than 15 minutes to complete it) in order to help us to prepare a bottom-up based strategy for the evolution of EBAN in the coming years. This survey will serve as a basis for the discussions of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors members who will meet in Brussels early March.

We would be very grateful if you could fill in this questionnaire by February 19th, 2010.

We thank you in advance for your contribution and collaboration.

The EBAN Team

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* 1. Basic information

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* 2. Please select your membership category:

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* 3. According to you, what will be the 3 most important market trends for our sector in the next 3 to 5 years? (Where the industry is going; the expected number of angels/BANs/seed funds; who will be the main partners of early stage investors; who will be the market players?)

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* 4. What are the 3 most needed services from EBAN according to you in the next 3 to 5 years?

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* 5. In your country, aside from you, who would you say are the leading edge business angel groups/networks and/or early stage funds? (Please name the top 3)

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* 6. Please add here any other comment you would like to share with EBAN