Exit this survey IFAW Website Survey Question Title * 1. How did you first hear about IFAW? Search engine Another web site Newspaper/magazine article Friend or business associate Advertisement Mail Don't know/don't remember Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What is your preferred method of communication with IFAW? Mail/postal newsletters Email newsletters Website Social media updates (facebook, twitter) Question Title * 3. What is your age group? 15 - 25 25 - 40 40 - 65 65 - 80 80+ I’d rather not say Question Title * 4. Gender Male Female Question Title * 5. Where are you located? Europe North America Latin America Africa Middle East Asia/pacific Oceania (Australia, NZ, Pacific Island Countries) Question Title * 6. How often did you use the IFAW site during the past month? Not at all 1-3 times a month Once a week Two to four times a week Once a day More than once a day Question Title * 7. What features have influenced your decision to use the IFAW website? Question Title * 8. When you visit the IFAW website, what content interests you most? Question Title * 9. When you visit the IFAW website, how easy is it to find specific content and information you are looking for? (5 = very easy, 1= very difficult) 5 4 3 2 1 Question Title * 10. Have you ever made a donation to IFAW via the website? Yes No Question Title * 11. If not, then what factors discouraged you from making an online donation? Question Title * 12. Have you ever taken an action or joined a campaign on the site? Yes No Question Title * 13. If not, then what factors discouraged you from taking an action? Question Title * 14. What can IFAW do on the website to make you feel more valued? Question Title * 15. What do you like the most about the IFAW website? Question Title * 16. What do you like the least about the IFAW site? Question Title * 17. If you could change one thing about the site, what would it be? Question Title * 18. Is there any content or tool on the website that you hoped to find but did not? Question Title * 19. Please share any other comments or suggestions you may have concerning this site? Question Title * 20. On which of the following online communities do you currently follow IFAW? (check all that apply) Facebook Twitter YouTube Green TV Care 2 Vimeo None Question Title * 21. How likely are you to recommend www.ifaw.org or a specific piece of content or article to a friend or colleague? Not very likely Somewhat likely Likely Very likely Question Title * 22. May we contact you in the future regarding any additional activities to improve our website? If so, please leave your name, country and email address here. First Name Last Name Country Email Address Done