Question Title

* 2. Where did you hold your postdoctoral appointment at Stanford? (check the applicable option below)

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* 3. Overall, how do you rate your postdoctoral research experience:

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* 4. Tell us about your experience working with your Faculty Mentor/PI

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
My Faculty Mentor/PI provided me with great scientific mentorship
My training here developed my research knowledge and skills 
I had an annual progress and goal-setting conversation with my Faculty Mentor/PI
I had sufficient opportunities to build new relationships with colleagues in my field
My time here helped me envision a career path for myself that fits my wishes and aspirations
I had opportunities to learn from faculty other than my Faculty Mentor/PI
My Faculty Mentor/PI supported my professional interests (even if they were not in agreement with his or her own)
I felt that I had a chance to make a meaningful intellectual contribution to the project(s) I was involved in
I felt that my contributions were appropriately recognized by my peers and by my Faculty Mentor/PI
I plan to continue to be in contact with my Faculty Mentor/PI after I leave Stanford
I plan to continue to be in contact with peers I met during my postdoc at Stanford
My Faculty Mentor/PI helped me find my next job/postdoc/opportunity
Overall, my relationship with my Faculty Mentor/PI was positive
I would recommend my Faculty Mentor/PI to others who are considering doing a postdoc here

Question Title

* 5. Now we would like to know more about your experience with the support services and resources at Stanford

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A; Do Not Remember
I met with my department/research group administrator when I first arrived here to help with my transition to campus in the first few weeks of my appointment
I felt sufficiently supported in knowing where to go with questions during my first few months 
I turned to administrative/program staff when I didn't know where to go
I turned to other postdocs or researchers in the lab when I didn't know where to go
I was invited to department-wide academic talks, seminars and events
I was informed about professional development opportunities on campus (workshops/courses) outside of my department
The professional development opportunities (workshops/courses) on campus were useful to me

Question Title

* 6. From the list below, check all courses and workshops that you participated in while a postdoc Stanford (optional)

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* 7. During my Stanford postdoc, I was able to (optional)

Question Title

* 8. Rate the importance of each of the following areas in creating a positive postdoctoral experience for you at Stanford

  Very Important Important Neither Important nor Unimportant Unimportant Completely Irrelevant N/A
The quality of my relationship with my Faculty Mentor/PI
The extent of progress I made towards a career path
My relationships with others in the lab/research group
Getting my paper(s) published
Presenting at scientific meetings
The extent of the professional network available to me
The extent of resources available through the libraries
The extent of career services available to me
The extent of professional development courses available to me
Support from my Faculty Mentor/PI when my research wasn't going very well
The extent to which mentors other than my formal Faculty Mentor/PI were accessible to me
The extent to which counseling services were accessible to me
My ability to get support from my Faculty Mentor/PI for my work/life balance and needs
The amount of funding I received (stipend/salary)
Opportunities for me to collaborate with others outside of the lab
The availability of resources to tell me about pursuing a job outside of academia

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* 9. Did you publish peer-reviewed papers or abstracts?

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* 10. Did you submit any fellowship/grant applications during your postdoc at Stanford?

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* 11. Were you part in any patent applications during your postdoc at Stanford?

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* 12. The primary source of funding that supported my postdoctoral training was:

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* 13. If you received a fellowship for your postdoc at Stanford, what was it?

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* 14. With the end of your postdoc appointment at Stanford, where are you headed next?

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* 15. What type of job are your planning to pursue in the long term?

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* 16. I would like to continue to be part of a larger Stanford network after I leave the University

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* 19. Please tell us the name of the academic department where you held your appointment (optional)

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* 20. Please provide us with your email address, where you may be reached after your affiliation with Stanford ends (optional)