Introduction to Survey

The Excellence Audit, in its full format, allows teams to assess themselves against Tom Peters' definition of Excellence, and gives them food for thought about which are the most important opportunities for performance improvement. In this shorter 'Lite' survey, we have selected the 10 statements - 1 per Element - that are judged by our survey participants to be the most important in future. They are provided here as a quick assessment and to give you the chance to think about how these Excellence concepts might be relevant in your situation.

How to complete the Excellence Audit 'Lite'…….

1. Please provide the demographic details that are requested at the beginning of the survey.

2. When completing the Excellence Audit, our advice is to focus your thinking on the part/s of the organisation that you know best and on which you can have the most influence, be that YOUR whole business, YOUR department, YOUR immediate team, YOUR customers, YOUR suppliers... etc.

3. Then rate each statement using the numerical scale provided. How true is this statement for the way you see things working NOW? A score of 0 means this statement is not true for us. A score of 5 means this is absolutely typical of us. Choose a rating of between 0 and 5 that reflects your opinion.
Note: If you are not sure what your "Now" rating should be on a particular statement, we recommend you to rate that statement 0 and move on.

4. You must also rate the same set of statements thinking about how things need to be in the FUTURE, say in 2 to 3 years time. A score of 0 means this statement is not important for us in the future. A score of 5 means this is absolutely critical for our future success. Choose a rating of between 0 and 5 that reflects your opinion.
Note: If you are not sure what your "Future" rating should be on a particular statement, we recommend you to assign the same rating as you did in "Now" and move on.

5. If you want to, use the “Comments” box to record any additional thoughts or clarifying comments you have about that statement, Now or Future.

6. When you have completed the "Now", and "Future" ratings for the statements on each page, and added any "Comments" you want to make, click the "next" button to close that page off and move to the next page.

7. On the final page, there are a number of optional questions about any next steps that are relevant for you. Please click the 'Done' button to submit your survey responses.

Now lets get started!

Question Title


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Where did you hear about this survey?

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2. “Integrity always!” We all understand our values and standards and strive relentlessly to live up to them.

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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8. Our leaders ensure that the work places here are demonstrably great places to work and places where talented people will want to work!

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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13. We pursue mastery of what we do, constantly developing our own skills and capabilities, trying new things, and building our self-confidence.

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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16. We set clear goals and priorities that steer us directly towards achieving our shared ambition and propel us in that direction.

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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21. Our Brand is our number one marketing, sales, and recruitment tool. We tell a scintillating story to our current and prospective clients/customers and talent.

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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29. We view success, individual and collective, based on how our work affects our clients/customers – their success is our success!

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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32. We exchange knowledge with our clients/customers, constantly helping them to help themselves and enriching our practice at the same time!

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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39. We are connected to our partners, clients and suppliers, and routinely collaborate with them as colleagues inside an extended business.

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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44. Our people have a strong bias for action and we bring pace and an infectious sense of urgency to every aspect of our work..

  0 1 2 3 4 5

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47. Our work is scheduled as a series of projects, each with clear outcomes, a strong client focus, a tight timeline, and a rabid scheduler who tracks progress and keeps us honest.

  0 1 2 3 4 5
WARNING! Please complete the final section of the survey. The questions are optional, but the survey will only be saved when you click the "DONE" button at the bottom of the last page.
THANKS for taking the time to complete the Excellence Audit Lite!
Here we'd like to get your reactions to the survey and to find out what, if anything, you would like to do next.

Question Title

What made you interested in sampling the Excellence Audit?

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What Next?

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Do you have any thoughts about the Excellence Audit, and how it might be useful in organizations?

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