1. What do YOU think?

Please share your experiences participating in 40 Days for Life, and thoughts on mext steps in these unified efforts.

Since 40 Days for Life first began as a coordinated campaign in 2007, tens of thousands of people have shared their experiences and opinions to help us refine the 40 Days for Life program.

Your responses will have great impact as we plan the next coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign and other focused pro-life efforts.

Thank you!

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* 1. Your name

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* 2. Your e-mail address (only so we can follow up with you about this survey and 40 Days for Life -- your information will not be shared with anyone else)

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* 3. City and State/Province where you live

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* 4. How did you first hear about 40 Days for Life?

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* 5. How did you participate in this 40 Days for Life campaign? (Please check all that apply)

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* 6. Was 40 Days for Life the first pro-life activity that you have taken an active role in?

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* 7. Did you experience personal and/or spiritual growth through your participation in 40 Days for Life?

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* 8. The next coordinated 40 Days for Life will be held February 22 - April 1, 2012. Do you think your community would be willing to be part of this next campaign?

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* 9. Would you be interested in helping to plan, organize, and conduct a 40 Days for Life campaign in your community?

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* 10. What was the greatest blessing you experienced during this 40 Days for Life?

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* 11. The 40 Days for Life national team is actively considering several NEW projects to make a greater impact on ending abortion in your community during 2012. Which of the following projects would be most important to you and your community? (Rank in order of importance with 1 as most important, to 6, least important, or N/A, for not applicable to you)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A
Continuing to improve and expand the 40 Days for Life campaign
Developing a continuing prayer presence outside your local abortion center (beyond 40 Days for Life)
Effective sidewalk counseling in your community
Door to door pro-life outreach and advocacy (separate from 40 Days for Life)
Launching a new -- or growing an existing -- local pro-life organization
Defunding Planned Parenthood locally