1. Default Section

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* 1. How often, on average, do you catch the ferry?

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* 2. What sort of ticket do you purchase?

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* 3. Which Wharf do you (or would you) generally use?

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* 4. Please rank MOST important to LEAST important reason for using the Ferry Service

  Most Important Least Important
Easy (no maintenance, fueling or mooring)
Regular Service
Friendly Staff/Atmosphere
Environmentally Friendly
Weather Proof

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* 5. Would you use the ferry service more (that is to replace one or more boats) if the ferries -

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* 6. Would you be interested in catching the ferry to Newport for more direct access to the L90 and L88 bus services to and from the City?

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* 7. When would you be likely to use a Newport ferry service? For example, on weekends, as a commuter service weekdays? if so what times would you likely require a ferry? What frequency would be acceptable?

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* 8. Would you be prepared to pay a small premium for the extra distance to be travelled?

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* 9. If available, would you use a multi trip ticket (MyZone) from the NSW Government to give you access to Public tranpsort, ie both a ferry and bus services?

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* 10. What improvements generally could we make to the service to make it of more use to you?