1. Welcome to the 2012 Hazon Rocky Mountain Jewish Food Summit Survey

Your feedback is extremely important to us. We want to know about your experience because it will help us create an even better experience for future participants. Your responses will also help explain to our partners and funders the impact that Hazon's work is having. Thank you, in advance, for filling out the survey.

You are welcome to submit the survey anonymously. If you choose to include your name (which lets us contact you for follow-up) you can do so at the end of the survey.

For all who complete the survey, we offer a $50 discount toward registration for any 2012 Hazon Bike Ride that you can use yourself or give to a friend and a $50 discount off of the 2012 Food Conference registration!

Question Title

* 1. We would like to know how important each of the following was for you in deciding to participate in the Rocky Mountain Jewish Food Summit.

  Very important Important Slightly important Not at all important
Being part of a Jewish community
Being part of a community concerned with food and sustainability issues
Being part of a community combining Judaism and food/sustainability
Accessing new ideas and resources
Meeting new people and organizations
Connecting with people and organizations I already know
Exploring Jewish Food Movement issues in an intellectual way
Exploring Jewish Food Movement issues in an entertaining way

Question Title

* 2. Please let us know anything else that was important in your decision to come to the Rocky Mountain Jewish Food Summit.